This flag of the United Kingdom or Union Jack, was the third flag presented to the troop in August of 1975. The troop has had many ties with British Scouts and Scouters, as well as Scouting's tie to England, where the program began. The flag was given to remind the troop of Scouting's roots. The flag symbolizes a union of England’s Cross of St. George with Scotland’s Cross of St. Andrew. The first English colony appeared in Roanoke Virginia in 1585. It became known as the lost colony as it disappeared after only two years. In 1607, the English established their first permanent colony at Jamestown Virginia. By 1754, thirteen British colonies dominated the East coast. After winning the French and Indian war Britain controlled Canada, Florida, and all lands West to the Mississippi. On July 4, 1776, the thirteen English colonies declared their independence.