To become a Boy Scout, you must meet one of the following:
- Be at least 11 years old, but less than 18
- Have completed the 5th grade
- Have earned the Arrow of Light award in Cub Scouts
The more involved the family is in Scouting, the more rewarding the experience becomes for everyone. We encourage parents to stop in and check out ways you might be able to keep our program as great as it is.
A Completed BSA Application and Medical forms parts A and B are required before any scout or adult can participate in Troop 101 activities as a member. Adult members must also complete the Youth Protection Training available online at and furnish a copy of the certificate to the troop. Prior to joining, some activities allow for visitors to attend. Visit a meeting to learn more.
New Scout Online Application
Ready to Join? We look forward to seeing you. Scan the QR code to start your Application, or click this link to the online application to get started.
New Scout Forms
Prefer to use a PDF form? We have a list of the forms required below. Just fill out the forms and bring them to a meeting to start the registration process. Please note, the online application above is the preferred method and will get you signed up quicker than the physical forms.
New Family Membership Guide
The Membership guide below was designed to answer many of the questions a new family might ask. We hope that Scouts and parents will read this together and retain it for future reference.
Our Troop website is one of our best means of communication and is designed to keep our Troop families informed of upcoming events. If you have a question at any time, please send an email, give us a call, or stop in at any Troop meeting.