Assistance Programs

Troop Financial Assistance

The Troop has several programs to help families in need. No Scout should feel they cannot participate in the program due to financial issues.


Equipment Loans

We have plenty of gear to borrow. No need to buy an expensive backpack or sleeping bag, just see one of our Quartermasters to borrow one for any trip.


William E. Brown Award

Named for our first Scoutmaster, this monetary award is available to any scout needing help paying for a regular Troop 101 camping trip. Just see the Scoutmaster for more information


Poor College Kid

We rely heavily on our older Scouts and recent graduates. It is understood that Scouts or Alumni attending College often struggle with funds. Any older Scout or Alumni in College may apply to the Scoutmaster to get half-off a 101 activity.


Eagles' Wings Supplement

Our parental support group, Eagles' Wings, is willing to offer an additional half-off to college kids needing more than 50% off. This is based on financial need, and the mutual benefit to the Troop. With the Eagles' Wings Supplement, a trip could be 75% of the trips total cost.


Merit Badge Library

The Troop maintains a library of merit badge books. Before buying the book, be sure to check with the Troop librarian. You can save a couple dollars borrowing a Troop book.


Uniform Bank

The BSA Uniform is an essential part of the Scouting program. Families that need assistance dressing their young scout in uniform just need to ask. If we have something in their size, they are welcome to take it and wear it proudly.