Who are Eagles' Wings?
Eagles' Wings is a group of parents who may not have the time to be an Assistant Scoutmaster or a Committee Member but would still like to help make a contribution to our Troop, Cub Pack or other youth that we support. Eagles' Wings meet just once a month and help to plan and coordinate our several events throughout the year.
Help us to help your scouts - and get involved with:
- The Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser and basket auction.
- Coordinating refreshments for Troop Courts of Honor.
- Planning our Annual Halloween Party for the troop.
- Preparing the Annual Christmas Party for the troop.
- Providing a Christmas community service project in which the troop can participate.
- Coordinating our Annual Summer Camp Picnic.
- Serve as a support group for the parents of new families that join the Troop.
Where can you find us?
EASY! We meet the second Monday of each month during the regular Troop meeting in the teachers lounge at Blessed Sacrament. The June meeting is at the Troop's annual Family Campout. Meeting schedules may vary, depending on current projects. Check the Troop Calendar for updates and details